Tuesday, December 25, 2012

    Wishing you a very happy holiday 
           and a merry new year!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Tibetan Buddhist Monks Mandala Sand Painting

ViVianesque is very inspired by these Tibetan Buddhist Monks while they are sand painting Mandalas!  Take a peek!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

discovering & defining your moments of bliss...

discovering & defining your moments of bliss...

ViVianesque created this collaged artwork with acrylics, paper, black ink, and gesso.  This is on a wood panel board that her friend, Damon, gave to her!  In fact he gave her a few boxfuls of wood panels to art!  Inspired by Art & Soul and Anahata Katkin, ViVianesque designed a flowered head-dress boufante on this missy with a right wide eye and a left stare down!  She's flaunting her red hot lips and much of her beauty lies behind her soul while she is finding herself in a midst of bliss!  ViVianesque is beginning a series of blissful collages starting with this No. 6 fragment!  Take a peek back!



ViVianesque just discovered Pinterest!  Take a peek at her pinning boards at http://pinterest.com/vivianesque/ 

Since she has a passion for photography, Pinterest is a sure way to enjoy other pinnings as well as exhibiting her own photography artworks!  She encourages you to create a flurry of boards of your likings.  She believes that you will treasure them with creating an endless and around the clock digital collage during your most creative moments or those times of lacksidaisyness!  Any time is a good time for Pinterest!  Once you have designed your Pinterest, send her an invite cuZ she would love to see what you are flitting and flaunting!  Unfurl your inspired imaginations and splash her with your Pinterest canvas!

Time flies...

Hello all...jingle bells are around the corner! 
Happy holidays to you and yours!!

Time flies...it has been about one year and a half since ViVianesque has blogged!  It's been a needed time to explore other realms of her life.  She is thankful for many things that occurred in the past 1.5.  Life presents the good in itself by virtue of opportunistic avenues.  One of the many life saviors and enjoyments is that she is in a wonderful relationship which she is so thankful for...healthy and loving parallels are soothing for the soul.  Spirituality is the essence of interconnections.  Grae has been her Oh. Grae. Grae. Need she say more??  AND she must not forget the continued support from her friends and family...what is a girl to do without her posse!  So thankful for everyone in her life!  Thanks for being right by her side through all of these fun times!

She is attending The Academy of Art University in San Francisco, California attaining a Masters in Art Education.  She is absolutely in LoVe, LoVE, LOve with her program and it is just up her alley!  As she is attending courses online, she was able to travel to many exciting and new places.  One of the places was to the bowels of the Grand Slam Australian Jr. Open Tennis Stadiums in Melbourne, Australia watching her son, Mackie, climb to the semi-finals then zipping to the NCAA Women's Gymnastics National Championships where her daughter's, Dana, UCLA team placed 3rd in the nation in Duluth, Georgia (and now the 42nd state that ViVianesque has visited!)  A good life has opened up new portals when old closing ones were rapidly firing!  

The good two cents' worth is to enjoy and live life to the fullest everyday cuZ you don't know what challenges tomorrow may bring you!  And even the challenges can be turned around to be positive experiences.  You may not know what or why that is the happenings at the time, but eventually it presents itself with a lesson, an experience, a time of gaining, or a time of loss.  Always remember, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!"  As Nike (Mackie's sponsor) states, JUST DO IT!!!  And have an amaZing time while you're at it!! xoxo.